
you know i stay fresh to death

welcome back, friends, to the lowercase hipster info hub. you might remember this place being located on a blogger site, but i decided that wasn't really the best format for what i was trying to do with it. i've been using a relatively simple journaling program to do all my writing, you see, and after a while i started to realize that i would often find myself in a place that i wanted to write without the tools to do it. here, i can organize everything as i see fit and access it from pretty much anywhere. it might end up being slightly disorganized, but that is a feature: i'm pretty disorganized myself, so i suppose this place should be too. what's that you say? it's still on blogger? oh yeah, i switched back after i found out that google pages couldn't do what i wanted either. then i gave blogger a little more time and i think i have it set up pretty okay now, what with proper labels and all.

so please, sit back, relax, enjoy the smooth sounds of elvis costello and burt bacharach (not provided), drink a tall, cool glass of milk, whatever makes you happy. personally, listening to my crazy neighbor wail along to jethro tull makes me happy. seriously, he really gets into it: i'll be sitting here in relative peace and quiet and then out of nowhere IN THE SHUF-FULL-LING MAAAADNEAAAAASSS!!!! it's awesome. anyway, the point i never got arond to making is that this is a place of work, but most certainly not a place of business, so please understand that nothing here is actually serious and no, i don't actually think any of it is any good. the main reason i organized everything in this way was to be able to change anything i wanted at any time. and if you'd like to leave a comment, you know, like you used to leave at the old site, well, you'll just have to do it the hard way and email me: adampetersen@gmail.com. yep, there's another couple sentences that don't apply now that i'm back here. oh well, i always liked my "don't ever use the backspace rule" so why stop now.

now to get to work on putting everything in it's right place... you can navigate the site using the links on the right side, one for each section. i'll change the date to reflect when a particular section has been updated. shout is just me ranting about things like i used to on the blog, while dark, undoing, and paycheck are active projects, and crash is where i'll put all my reviews. yes, this paragraph made a lot more sense when it was in google pages. each link on the right is now just a label, so it will link to all the posts that fall under said label. no, there is nothing under crash at the moment, which is why it's not there. man, my neighbor is still going. i mean, he is screaming. okay, back to work.

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